Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dead Beat DAD!

Once again I would like to everyone for reading my blog. =) It means a lot to me!

     This blog I would like to talk about something that has been on my mind alot lately. That is Fathers not taking care of their children!
    First off I don't understand how someone can have children and not want anything to do with them. Or maybe have something to do with them when it is convenient for them. That is not how it works. Your children can not eat when it is convenient for you. Its not far to come in and out of the lives of your children when the time is right for you or something major happens like graduating High school!
    Another thing that makes me mad is not paying child support. I was reading online that 62% of custodial mothers do not receive child support! That is just ridiculous! It is ridiculous that they don't pay child support and there children suffer but the father wont suffer! ON HECK NO! Some fathers would rather there children go without than them and it is just plain sick! If you have children than you need to support them. If you are not going to support them.... STOP making them! Another thing that upset me is when people split up and remarry! Now that happens all the time and I am not saying anything bad about that, what I have a problem with is when they remarry and they treat their "stepchildren" better than they treat their own kids! I don't understand how someone can give the world to kids that are not even theirs and treat their own kids like they are nothing!
       This subject makes me more mad than anything. I think the reason that it does is because it hits so close to home! My father (if that is what you want to call him) doesn't take care of his children. You see he likes to think he does on his time. He calls us when he "thinks" about it. I am so tired of being treated the way he does us and I am not going to stand for it anymore. Why not pay child support? Why take care of other peoples children and not your own? Why do you get to eat stakes every night and I have to sit and watch my mother worry about where we are going to get the money to eat on! It just doesn't seem right! I'm tired of it! Its not far and no life isn't far but its called RESPECT! You treat others the way you want to be treated! What if I decided to never talk to you again! How would you feel? What if you were in need of gas money or food or anything for that matter and I had money and would help you out AT ALL! How would you feel if you had to raise two kids on your pay check NO HELP AT ALL? Is that how you want to be treated? NO doesn't sound like the fairy tale life that your living in! Before I go I also want to say that it is wrong to steal from your children. And when you take away their trust of men, security, and money out of a birthday card that's called STEALING. What if I came and stole something of yours? How would you feel? I'm sure you would like it! So I think I better leave it at that before I get myself in trouble....

Once again thank you for reading my blog! I would like to say again that this is MY blog and I control it. What I write about is what is on my mind and heart at the time and no one elses. So keep the negative comments to yourself and if it hits home for you... oh well maybe you should man up and change something! =)

~Never Settle for less than what you Deserve!~
Naomi =)

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