Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Scared to death!

First off I would like to say thank you for reading my blog. =)
       Yesterday morning I woke up to find my precious Kingston very very sick. He was unable to walk or stand on his back legs. So I carried him down the stairs and took him outside. When I put him down he whined. I didn't know what was going on and I was scared to death! So I started calling around to all the vets around town. I tired explaining to them that I didn't have a lot of money but he really needed to be seen and that I would make payments on it. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE would work with me. I couldn't believe it. In the meantime my Kingston is in pain and I am to watching him suffer. So I had a Math Exam that morning. I hope I did okay but my mind was on Kingston and to be honest I was hoping that he would still be alive when I got back home.
       When  I got out of the exam, my grandmother called and told me to take him to the vet and she would pay for it. I didn't want her to do that so I called one more vet. A vet in Hephzibah that my friend told me about Dr.Gradous. He was able to see Kingston asap and he wasn't going to charge that much. So my mom got off work and got my sister from school and we took Kingston to the vet. I was so scared. I had been reading things on the Internet and the symptoms that he was having was symptoms of Heart Worms, a Seizure, and Heart Attack. Man talking about Scared. Here's some advice. When something is wrong never seek the Internet for help. The "online" vet cant see him and they really don't know. So once we got to the vet I was told that Kingston has inflammation of his Spinal Cord. Which is a sign that he will have server back pain for the rest of his life. Which is common in smaller dogs. He also has asthma. That is the reason that he has trouble breathing and the reason his bark isn't as strong as others. Kingston will be put on medicine in the future for his back problems but for now he got a shot yesterday to numb the pain. It should last 5 days if in five days he is not better he will go back and be put on the medicine right away.
        Today Kingston seems to be doing so much better. He is walking with a limp but he is walking now. He is also playing with Jonas and acting more like his normal self. I was so scared yesterday. I cried all day. I truly thought that I was going to lose him. I have never been so scared. I am just so thankful for Dr.Gradous he was able to make my precious Kingston feel much better. I also am so thankful for him not charging so much and my mom was able to pay for it. I don't knew what I would have done without my mom yesterday. She helped me out more than ever. She was with me through all my crying yesterday lol =)  I am just so thankful that my Kingston is still with us. =) Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for all the prayers for my precious baby!

Naomi =)

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