Thursday, September 23, 2010

Being Big is not Horrible!!!

First off I would like to thank everyone for reading my blog!
 I also would like to address something that has been bothering me.... If you are reading my blog just to criticize me just stop right now. I don't need you picking at everything I say in my blog. These are my blogs and I have the option to talk about anything I want, just like you have the option not to read it!

   Being Big is not horrible!!! I just want to put that out there. There are women (and men but this is for women) of all sizes in the world and everyone of them are beautiful. I think now a days in the media it gives the impression to women that they should be a size 2 and have a huge butt and huge boobs, but that is not the case at all! Today there are shows like the Biggest Loser and I feel some people take that is meaning everyone should be a certain weight. But I feel that show is only trying to stress being Healthy! And you can still be Healthy and not be super skinny!
  I got the idea to write this blog while I was watching the Tyra Banks show.  In this episode, there were two women talking about eating a "tapeworm" to lose weight. A TAPEWORM.  There was also a doctor on the show saying that the tapeworm can actually eat you alive. When asked why they would even think about eating a tapeworm to lose weight their answers were almost the same. "I want to be skinny, I'm tired of always being the FAT one"! It sadden me to know that someone can feel so low and hate themselves so much that they would ingest a tapeworm to become skinny. This is not okay.
    I can relate to how many young girls may feel and want to try different ways to weight lose. I have been big all my life and it  can be hard sometimes. I can remember in school wanting so bad to have the clothes of the popular and skinny... but the thing was they don't make clothes like that in plus size. I used to get picked on so bad because I had a bigger chest then they all did. Things like that will do wonders on your self esteem.
   For those of you who don't know me I am a bigger women! I am not a size 2 and I feel beautiful! I may not have the "perfect figure" but who are they to tell you what the perfect figure is? You just have to have confidence and if people don't like you than it says something about their character.
    Everyone is different and Everyone is beautiful! Never let someone tell you your not beautiful.

Beauty comes in all sizes, not just size 5.  ~Roseanne

Thank you guys for reading my blog! Never Settle for less than what you deserve!
Naomi =)

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