Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sooner or later....

Hey Ya'll! I first want to think everyone for reading my blog. It really means alot to me!
    Today I want to blog about my college life. Sooner or later... I'm going to get it together! As I said in the last blog I have been on the waiting list for the Dental Program since November. Well yesterday I got some upsetting news! I got an email saying that I was not able to be accepted into the program this time around. It also said that I will be on the waiting list (still) and it would be until August 2012 until I got in!!! OMG a whole nother year... now what...
    So I as soon as I could I went to the Advisment office to see what I could do (or if there was anything I could do). We talked for about 30 mintues and weighted all of my options (which were not very many). We finally decided that I had three options.
     "option 1"- wait until August 2012
     "option 2"- switch programs
     "option 3"- Give up!!

Well I know I didn't want to do option 3! That was out of the question. Thats one thing my momma has taught me is NEVER GIVE UP! Keep at it. So I really didnt want to do option 1 either. I just really felt like it wasnt Gods will to be in the Dental Program. So they only option I had was option #2! So now the question was what major do I switch to?

    So this was where the hard decision came in! At this point I have had so many set backs (because of me just not caring) that it the decision was very hard. But I didnt have to make it alone.... I had God on my side and my Momma! Although at this point I felt like I had disappointed her yet again she was there and gave me the support I needed. God never failed me either! So here I am sitting in the Advisors office not really knowing what to do and I get a text message from a friend and all it said is God loves you and has a plan for you. Right then I knew everything would be just fine.
   Ok ok so your probably like get on with it tell me what you decided right... Well my advisor and I came up with a solution. I will be taking Summer classes to get a Cirtficate in Technology. This will last until the Winter quarter (which starts in January) In January I will be enrolled in the Pharmacy Tech program. I enrolled in the Technlogy program because Pharmacy doesnt accept new students until the Winter and I did not want to sit out Summer and Fall quarter! So there it is. I looked at the Catologe at all the programs of study before I went in there and I had Pharmacy Tech at the top of the list but didnt think I would be able to get in that program. But God made a way!
     So now can you see why I titled this blog sooner or later.... Because Sooner or Later and with a lot of  prayer I will get my act together!

Thank You guys for reading my blog.

Never Settle for anything less than you deserve!!!

Naomi =)

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