Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dixie Ann German

Today, September 7,2011 is my sister Dixie birthday!!! She is not only my sister she truly is my best friend. No one or nothing can come between that bond my sister and I have! I wanted to write a blog today about her to honor her on her special day.

It seems like just yesterday we would have the summer to waste away and do nothing. Mom had to work during the day so I was home alone with Dixie. We had to find something to pass the time away. Normally that was video taping each other singing and doing "concerts", playing school normally I was the teacher because I was older lol or playing house.

Playing "house" was one of our favorite things to do! I would be married to Chris (from NSYNC) and she would be married to Lance (also from NSYNC). We had dolls we would play with as if they were our kids. lol and it was too much fun!

As we got older and started moving around some we stopped playing house or teacher but we still spent tons of time together. It didn't matter what we were doing as long as me and Dixie and mamma were together.

Dixie has truly brought me through somethings that she doesn't even know she has. When my parents were getting a divorce I knew I had to stay strong (even thought sometimes I failed)  i had to stay Strong because she was looking up to me. After all I was the big sister! I have tried to set the best example I can for her because I want her to be the best she can be.... and that makes me want to be the best I can be!

I am so proud of her and the young lady she has become! She is smart, kind(sometimes), and loves going to church!!! She loves her youth group!!! She is also always there to make me laugh! I started thinking about memories today and cried because we are getting older and I wanna go back to the "dance and sing in our under ware days" but we cant.... so I just pray that we don't lose the bond that we have. (and the amazing bond we have with our mamma) No one will be able to brake that relationship between me, Dixie and mamma!

So I leave with this......

Happy Birthday Dixie! I love you and never settle for less than you deserve!!!!!! =)

(Here is some pictures.... Enjoy! )

Happy 17th Birthday Dixie! =)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sooner or later....

Hey Ya'll! I first want to think everyone for reading my blog. It really means alot to me!
    Today I want to blog about my college life. Sooner or later... I'm going to get it together! As I said in the last blog I have been on the waiting list for the Dental Program since November. Well yesterday I got some upsetting news! I got an email saying that I was not able to be accepted into the program this time around. It also said that I will be on the waiting list (still) and it would be until August 2012 until I got in!!! OMG a whole nother year... now what...
    So I as soon as I could I went to the Advisment office to see what I could do (or if there was anything I could do). We talked for about 30 mintues and weighted all of my options (which were not very many). We finally decided that I had three options.
     "option 1"- wait until August 2012
     "option 2"- switch programs
     "option 3"- Give up!!

Well I know I didn't want to do option 3! That was out of the question. Thats one thing my momma has taught me is NEVER GIVE UP! Keep at it. So I really didnt want to do option 1 either. I just really felt like it wasnt Gods will to be in the Dental Program. So they only option I had was option #2! So now the question was what major do I switch to?

    So this was where the hard decision came in! At this point I have had so many set backs (because of me just not caring) that it the decision was very hard. But I didnt have to make it alone.... I had God on my side and my Momma! Although at this point I felt like I had disappointed her yet again she was there and gave me the support I needed. God never failed me either! So here I am sitting in the Advisors office not really knowing what to do and I get a text message from a friend and all it said is God loves you and has a plan for you. Right then I knew everything would be just fine.
   Ok ok so your probably like get on with it tell me what you decided right... Well my advisor and I came up with a solution. I will be taking Summer classes to get a Cirtficate in Technology. This will last until the Winter quarter (which starts in January) In January I will be enrolled in the Pharmacy Tech program. I enrolled in the Technlogy program because Pharmacy doesnt accept new students until the Winter and I did not want to sit out Summer and Fall quarter! So there it is. I looked at the Catologe at all the programs of study before I went in there and I had Pharmacy Tech at the top of the list but didnt think I would be able to get in that program. But God made a way!
     So now can you see why I titled this blog sooner or later.... Because Sooner or Later and with a lot of  prayer I will get my act together!

Thank You guys for reading my blog.

Never Settle for anything less than you deserve!!!

Naomi =)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Since October....

Hey Y'all! I'm back! I have not blogged in awhile becasue I didnt have any good topics then I forgot my password lol
       So I want to bring all my readers up to speed on whats been happening in my life since last October when I last blogged!
       First let me say that God is really Great and I am blessed! I now have a job part-time, go to classes full time, and im involved in church!
       Okay so... me start with school. I am currently at Augusta Tech and I am taking my core classes now but I am waiting to be acceptd in to the Dental Assisting Program. I have been on the waiting list since last November and Im starting to grow impatient! I talked with the Advisor and she said that I am at the top of the list (finally) and should be accepted this Fall. Until then I pray that I get accepted because I do not want to sit out another quarter while I wait!
       Work.... I got a job a clothing store in the Augusta Mall. I have been there since November. Although I dont always love it, it is a job and it does pay my bills. Thats all im going to say about that =)
       Church... I LOVE IT. I love going and spending time with my church family. I have tried many churches and they were all great but none of them were HOME and I am so glad that God finally brought us back home. I am a teacher of Sunday School and they are the best group of kids ever. Im so sad that my whole class is moving up to the youth this August! I went on a Youth Camping Trip this weekend and I couldn't help but think about what great men and women they are turning into and Im so excited to watch them grow!
         Friends.... Over the past few weeks I have reconnected with one of my best friends from High school and I love it. God really knows what he is doing... I say that because she loves the lord and when I get down she is always there to pick me up and she prays for me like no other. Love you Lacy! also .... ashley is getting MARRIED. =) AHHHH im so excited! I cant wait till the wedding actually gets closer and we have the bridal shower and everything it is going to be wondeful!
         Family.... my mom and sister are wonderful. I dont know what I would do without them. I say that all the time but really I would be lost without them. We are actually going to the Beach this summer. The first family vacation since my parents go divorced (minus Helen for a night) so that would be 7 ago. So we deserve it. We are going to St. Augustine and the hotel that we are staying in is right on the beach. Our room is on the bottom floor and it is right on the beach... LOVE IT! I cant wait to go and spend time with the ones that I love the most!!! I cant wait to just get away from this town! =)
         Well thats it for now. Now that I know my password you can expect many more blogs from me!!!

Thanks for reading my blog!
** Never Settle for anything less than you deserve**
